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인터넷에 떠도는 "혼자일 때 심장마비 자가대처법"은 잘못된 정보 !!!

아름다운비행 2005. 12. 19. 15:27

** 제가 전에 올렸던 글을 수정하면서 제 pc가 잘못되어 글을 지워버리고 말았기에

    다시 작성해서 올립니다. 


** (2014.10.25) 아래에 언급된 로체스터 종합병원에서 제시하고 있는

    심장마비 구급 처치(대처)법을 추가로 올립니다.





아직도 심장마비 자가대처법이라는 잘못된 정보가 인터넷에 떠돌고 있네요.

그러나, 위험한 방법입니다.


1. 출처가 불명확한 상태에서 전파가 되고 있으며,

2. 어느 전문가가 말했는지도 밝히지 않고 있으며,

3. 처음엔 - 적어도 1999년부터일 것으로 추정 - 이메일로, 나중엔 아래처럼 파워포인트 판으로

    전 세계적으로 전파가 되고 있습니다.

4. 또한, 로체스터 종합병원의 정식명칭도

    "General Hospital Rochester"가 아니라 "Rochester General Hospital"입니다.


로체스터 종합병원에서는


1. 자기 병원의 잡지에 지난 20년간 같은 제목, 또는 최소한 비슷한 내용의 글도 실린적이 없으며


2. 어느 전문가도 동의할 수 없는 방법이며,


3. 인터넷으로 전파되고 있는 아래의 정보는 잘못된 정보임을 밝혔습니다.


4. 또한, 이런 정보를 받은 경우 자신에게 이메일을 보내준 사람 또는 잘못된 정보를 전파한 사람

    에게 "잘못된 정보"임을 알려주도록 당부하고 있습니다.


아래에 로체스터 종합병원/심장연구소의 홈페이지에 실린 내용을 옮겨 적어 놓았습니다. 



위험한 이런 방법은 더 이상 전파되지 말아야 하며,

오히려 녹차를 장기복용할 경우 심장마비 위험이 50% 정도 줄어든다는 연구보고도 있듯이,

평소에 녹차 한 잔을 즐겨 드시는 것이 좋겠고,

심장마비 발생의 경우에 대한 직접적인 대처로는

아래의 글을 참조하시는 것이 도움이 될 수 있을 것 같습니다.




리처드 N. 훠고러스 의학박사는 다음과 같은 조언을 하고 있다.


How to Survive a Heart Attack - The First 24 Hours

"심장마비가 왔을 때 어떻게 살아날 것인가 - 첫 24시간"이란 칼럼에서 발췌했습니다.

What should you do if you think you might be having a heart attack?

If you experience any symptoms suggestive of heart attack, especially if you know you have risk factors for coronary artery disease, your key to avoiding death or permanent disability is to get yourself to medical help as soon as possible.

  만약 당신이 심장마비 증세로 의심되는 경험을 하거나, 특히 관상동맥(심혈관)질환을 가지고

  있다는 것을 알고 있다면,

  사망 또는 영구적인 장애를 피하는 열쇠는 가능한한 빨리 의료적인 도움을 받는 것이다.


If you live in an area where paramedics can get to you within a few minutes, then call for them.

  만약에 당신이 구급의료진이 닿을 수 있는 지역에 있다면, 그들을 불러라.


If it would be quicker to have someone drive you to a hospital, then do that.

  누군가가 당신을 병원에 데려가는 것이 빠르다면, 그렇게 하라.


But get help right away. If you are having a heart attack, every minute is vitally important. And while you’re waiting for the paramedics, or while being driven to the hospital, take an aspirin.

  그러나 즉시 도움을 받아야 한다. 만약 당신에게 심장마비가 되면, 一分一分이 치명적으로 중요하다.  그리고 당신이 구급의료진을 기다리고 있거나 병원으로 실려가는 중에, 아스피린 한 알을 복용하라.




Your Guide, Richard N. Fogoros, M.D. From Richard N. Fogoros, M.D.,
Your Guide to Heart Disease / Cardiology.
Get a Gift with your About Newsletter! Act Now!


   * from : http://heartdisease.about.com/cs/heartattacks/a/MIearly.htm




3. 인터넷으로 전파되고 있는 잘못된 정보의 내용







4. 인터넷으로 전파되고 있는 잘못된 정보의 내용을 밝히고 있는 글

How to Survive a Heart Attack

 When Alone Hoax

Message claims that victims can survive a heart attack when alone by using a procedure that involves vigorous coughing.

False - In no way condoned by medical authorities.

Example:(Submitted via email, 2004)


A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life. Read this... It could save your life!! Let's say it's 6.15 pm and you're driving home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.

HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!




This email forward that offers spurious advice about how to survive a heart attack has been continually circulating around the Internet since at least 1999.

The message outlines a technique for surviving a heart attack while alone that involves vigorous coughing. According to the email, a cardiologist has advised forwarding the message to others in order to save lives. However, the alleged cardiologist is not named, nor is there any reference to a reputable medical institution. In my opinion, any life-critical "medical advise" that is not supported by credible reference material should be used with extreme caution.

It should be noted that the cough procedure outlined in the email might be beneficial under certain circumstances. However, medical experts maintain that the procedure should only be performed under professional supervision. According to the American Heart Association, "the usefulness of "cough CPR" is generally limited to monitored patients with a witnessed arrest in the hospital setting".

The Resuscitation Council in the UK "knows of no evidence that, even if a lone patient knew that cardiac arrest had occurred, he or she would be able to maintain sufficient circulation to allow activity, let alone driving to the hospital".

A victim would probably be better off directing his or her energy towards other life saving options such as seeking immediate help or calling the emergency number. The American Heart Association article states that: "The best strategy is to be aware of the early warning signs for heart attack and cardiac arrest and respond to them by calling [the emergency number in your country]. If you're driving alone and you start having severe chest pain or discomfort that starts to spread into your arm and up into your jaw (the scenario presented in the Internet article), pull over and flag down another motorist for help or phone [the emergency number in your country] on a cellular telephone."

The "advice" presented in this email forward is not condoned by medical experts and, in my opinion, it certainly should not be forwarded to "AS MANY FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE". Using this procedure in place of immediately seeking medical help could even cost a life.

Another version of the message arrives as an email attachment rendered in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Someone has gone to quite a lot of trouble to convert the original message into an attractive presentation complete with graphics and sound. In spite of the probable good intentions of the creator, the advice presented in the PowerPoint version is as equally spurious as it is in the email version. The PowerPoint version falsely attributes the information to an article in the "Journal Of General Hospital, Rochester".
However the Rochester General Hospital denies that such an article exists and has included the following statement on its website:


Important Notice: 'How to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone'


Hundreds of people around the country have been receiving an e-mail message entitled "How to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone." This article recommends a procedure to survive a heart attack in which the victim is advised to repeatedly cough at regular intervals until help arrives.


The source of information for this article was attributed

to ViaHealth Rochester General Hospital. This article is being propagated on the Internet as individuals send it to friends and acquaintances - and then those recipients of the memo send it to their friends and acquaintances, and so on.


We can find no record that an article even resembling this was produced by Rochester General Hospital within the last 20 years. Furthermore, the medical information listed in the article can not be verified by current medical literature and is in no way condoned by this hospital’s medical staff. Also, both The Mended Hearts, Inc., a support organization for heart patients, and the American Heart Association have said that this information should not be forwarded or used by anyone.


Please help us combat the proliferation of this misinformation. We ask that you please send this e-mail to anyone who sent you the article, and please ask them to do the same.




Rich Sensenbach
Web Development Coordinator
ViaHealth Rochester General Hospital

(585) 922-2124



For reporters:

Other information on this issue can be gathered from
The Mended Hearts, Inc. at www.mendedhearts.org 
email to:   mhoffice@mendedhearts.org
Urban Legends Reference Pages


Heart and other health related information is available on our website at www.viahealth.org

ViaHealth is a family of health care providers that includes Rochester General Hospital, Newark-Wayne Community Hospital, a Behavioral Health Network of mental health and substance abuse services, and the Continuing Care Network which includes Independent Living for Seniors, Hill Haven, ViaHealth Home Care and ViaHealth Home Care II.


  * 출처 : 로체스터 종합병원 심장연구소의 홈페이지,  



To download the Power Point version of the message, click the link below. To view the presentation, Microsof PowerPoint, the MS PowerPoint Viewer or another compatible program needs to be installed on your computer.


Write-up by Brett M.Christensen




위 사진은 미국 뉴욕주에 있는

로체스터 종합병원 전경.

 Rochester General Hospital,

 1425 Portland Avenue, Rochester, New York, U.S.A




(2014. 10. 25 추가)

로체스터 종합병원에서 제시하는 "911 기본사항"

(해석이 정확치 않은 부분은 양해 바랍니다.  ^^)


911 Basics: Responding to a Heart Attack  911 기초: 심장마비 대처법

Heart disease is the leading killer in the United States. Knowing the warning signs of a heart attack and how to respond could save a life.

The following guidelines can help you make the right decisions and take the right steps when seconds count.

심장질환은 미국에서 주요 사망원인이다. 심장마비 예고(전조) 증상을 알고 대처법을 안다면 생명을 살릴 수 있다.

아래 지침은 잠깐동안에 당신이 올바른 판단을 하고 올바른 단계별 대처를 하도록 해줄 것이다.

Heart attack symptoms  심장마비 전조증상

The following may be symptoms of a heart attack. Not all of these warning signs occur in every attack. Seek immediate medical attention if any of these symptoms occur : 

아래 증상은 심장마비의 전조증상일 수 있다. 모든 심장마비에 아래의 증상들이 나타나진 않는다. 

아래 증상들 중 어느 증상이 나타난다면 즉각적인 의학치료(medical attention)를 구해야 한다 : 

  • Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing, or pain in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. 

  • 불편한 압박감, 쥐어짜는 듯한 감각(squeezing), 가슴 중심부의 고통이 몇 분 이상 지속되거나, (증상이) 가라앉았다가 다시 올 때.

  • Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck, back, and arms.

  • 고통이 어깨, 목, 등, 팔에 번져나갈 때.

  • Chest discomfort with lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea, or shortness of breath. 

  • 가슴이 먹먹하고, 실신할 것 같고, 땀 나고, 메스껍고, 호흡이 곤란함.

  • Feeling very anxious or very tired. 

  • 아주 화난 것 같거나 또는 아주 지친 것 같을 때.  **화났을 때 얼굴이 화끈거린다든가 하는 것을 뜻하는 듯함.


Be prepared  미리 준비할 사항들

Take the following emergency actions ahead of time if you or a family member has a heart condition or is at risk of a heart attack :  

당신 또는 가족이 심장마비 증상이 있거나 마비위험이 있을 때 아래 구급조치를 하라.

  • Know which hospitals in your area provide 24-hour emergency heart care. Tell family and friends where they are. 

  • 당신 지역 어느 병원이 24시간 구급 심장 치료를 하는지 알아두라. 가족과 친구들에게 그 병원들이 어디에 있는지 말해 두라.

  • Keep emergency rescue phone numbers near your phone or save them on your cell phone. 

  • 응급구호 전화번호를 당신의 전화 가까이 두거나 휴대폰에 저장해 두어라.

  • Tell family and friends to call 911 or your local number for emergencies if chest pain lasts more than a few minutes. 

  • 가슴통증이 몇 분 이상 지속되면, 가족이나 친구들에게 911(우리나라는 119) 또는지역 응급 전화를 걸어달라고 말하라.

There are other causes of chest pain besides a heart attack. However, you should get medical help if you or someone else have the heart attack symptoms described above. 

가슴통증에는 심장마비 외에도 다른 원인이 있다.

그러나, 당신 또는 다른 누군가가  위에 기술한 심장마비 증상이 있다면 의학적 조력을 받아야만 한다.  




What to do   해야 할 일

If you suspect someone is having a heart attack:  누군가가 심장마비인 것 같으면:

  • Call 911 or your local number for emergencies. Tell the person who answers where you are and that someone is having a heart attack. Don't hang up until you're told to do so.

  • 911(우리나라는 119 이지요) 또는 지역 구급번호를 호출하라. 응답자에게, 당신이 어디에 있고 누군가가 심장마비 라고 말하라. 단신이 전화를 끔ㅎ어도 된다고 말을 듣기 전에는 전화를 끊지 말라.

  • You should not drive, or let someone else who is having symptoms drive, to the hospital. 

  • (심장마비 증상이 온) 당신은 절대 운전해서는 안되고, (심장마비) 자각증상을 가진 사람이 아닌 다름사람에게 병원에 데려다 달라고 하라.



While waiting for emergency help to arrive 구급대가 도착할 때까지 기다리는 동안

  • Make sure the door to your home is unlocked.   당신집의 문이 열려 있는지 확인하라.

  • Make sure you have a phone with you.             전화를 들고 있으라.  

  • Chew and swallow 1 adult (325 mg) or 4 low-dose (81 mg) aspirin: 아스피린을 씹어먹어라(어른 325mg 짜리 1알, 저투여량(81mg) 짜리 4알)

  • Do not take aspirin if you are allergic to it.          아스피린 알러지가 있다면 아스피린을 먹지 말라.

  • Sit in a comfortable chair and wait for help to arrive. 편안한 의자에 앉아 도와줄 사람이 올 때까지 가다리라.

- See more at: http://www.rochestergeneral.org/health-library/content/?contenttypeId=1&contentId=1828#sthash.sgzkZWeD.dpuf

- 출처 : http://www.rochestergeneral.org/health-library/content/?contenttypeId=1&contentId=1828#sthash.sgzkZWeD.dpuf