
소개/한국전쟁의 기원 2집: 폭포의 큰 울림 1947-1950

아름다운비행 2005. 7. 25. 20:11

The Origins of the Koreans War 2 - The Roaring of the Cataract 1947-1950



< 책 소개 >


한국현대사의 기념비적 저작으로 꼽히는 브루스 커밍스의 ‘한국전쟁의 기원’(원제 ‘The Origins Of The Korean War) 2부작의 원저이다.



< 목   차 >


Maps, Figures, and Tables
1. Introduction: Recollections on Method and a Theory of American Foreign Policy

PartⅠ. America
2. Containment and Internationalism
3. Rollback and Nationalism
4. Predestination for the Labyrinth: Spices and Speculators
5. Rollback Percolates in the Bureaucracy

PartⅡ. Korea
6. The Southern System
7. The Resistance to the Southern System
8. The Guerrilla Conflict
9. The Northern System
10. The Soviets and North Korea
11. North Korea's China Connection

PartⅢ. Overtures to June 1950
12. Decent Interval: American Withdrawal, the Border Fighting, and the Guerrilla Suppression
13. "The Speech": Achesonian Deterrence at the Press Club
14. North Korea on the Eve of the War
15. South Korea on the Eve of the War
16. Telltale Taiwan
17. A Quiet Weekend in June: Tokyo, Moscow, and Washington on the Eve of the War
18. Who Started the Korean War? Three Mosaics

Part Ⅳ. Epilogue
19. The War for Containment
20. The Political Character of the War: People's Committees and White Pajamas
21. The War for Containment
22. Conclusion: The Setting Sun

Subject Index
Name INdex